Let Gaza Live! March on Washington

 In Israel, Palestine

Start: Jan 10 2009 – 1:00pm

End: Jan 10 2009 – 3:00pm
Timezone: Etc/GMT-5
Stop the U.S./Israeli War Against the Palestinian People

Hundreds of Palestinian people in Gaza have been killed and
thousands more wounded as a result of the massive bombing campaign
and ground invasion carried out by the Israeli government.

Because of the U.S.-backed Israeli blockade and strangulation of
the people of Gaza for the past 18 months, there is little or no medicine
to treat the wounded, electricity for hospitals, or food or clean
water for much of the population.

The Jan. 10 protest will be located between the Bush White
House and the Hay Adams Hotel, where President-Elect Obama is
now residing, which is located on the north side of Lafayette Park.

National March on Washington
Saturday, January 10
Assemble at the White House (north side) at 1:00 PM

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  • Ghazala Khan

    Interview Request

    Hello Dear and Respected,
    I hope you are fine and carrying on the great work you have been doing for the Internet surfers. I am Ghazala Khan from The Pakistani Spectator (TPS), We at TPS throw a candid look on everything happening in and for Pakistan in the world. We are trying to contribute our humble share in the webosphere. Our aim is to foster peace, progress and harmony with passion.

    We at TPS are carrying out a new series of interviews with the notable passionate bloggers, writers, and webmasters. In that regard, we would like to interview you, if you don’t mind. Please send us your approval for your interview at my email address “ghazala.khi at gmail.com”, so that I could send you the Interview questions. We would be extremely grateful.


    Ghazala Khan
    The Pakistani Spectator

  • incogman

    And I guess you don’t know JACK about the real HATE speech contained in the Talmud, now do you? Funny how you are ready to jump down a White person’s throat for daring to speak up, but say not a thing about the real haters.

    Pretty sad on how confused and messed-up America is now.

  • incogman

    Oh yeah, one more thing, ever see the incredible HYPOCRISY of the State of Israel and our support of her? It is the practice of Judaism, a religion for a race (they are indeed a race and freely say so — but not to people like you) on a statewide level. In other words ISRAEL is only for the JEWS alone. The Jews even have their own roads and schools.

    That’s real apartheid, my dear. What do you think the Jews would say if any White country dared do the same?

    Ask yourself that one.

  • barbpa

    I do agree that what is happenening in that area is apartheid…but, again I stress it is THE STATE of Israel and not the people who make those policies. I’ve worked with many many Jewish people from here and Israel who are against the occupation.

  • Adil

    Watch Gaza Live:


    Press Release:

    In January 2009 the new website MuslimCo.com was launched with the aim of bringing Arabic and Muslim media to those residing in the West.

    Thousands of users have already visited the site to view live video streams from television stations such as ‘Press TV’ and ‘Al Quds’ – a Palestinian channel that seeks to actively document the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis. This wave of viewers testifies to the demand for such a resource from the people dwelling in the West, a demand that MuslimCo.com and it’s strong advertising campaign, mainly aided with word of mouth is slowly seeking to fulfil.

    The site owners did not expect such rapid growth but understands the need for such a service, making it easier for the Muslim community to watch media sources that they feel they can trust. The western media has disconnected itself from the Muslim community and has caused further disenfranchisement of the youth with the constant vilification of Muslims. This has created a vacuum which this site has now filled, allowing Muslims to get information and news without feeling victimised as is done so often in western media.

    With the recent conflict and escalation of violence in Gaza, many of the Muslims from around the world have been passing the site around to watch the conflict in Gaza, with a stream from the Ramattan studios in Palestine, Al Quds and analysis from Press TV.

    This website comes at an important time in the world, where conflict in the Muslim world has escalated, highlighting even more the tensions that are having a large effect on the hearts and minds of the Muslims in the west. As more viewers connect to Muslimco.com they will see the conflict from the other side of the fence. It is not just Muslims seeking the alternative view, but also a growing number of fellow patriots, frustrated with the heavily biased western media.


    site: http://www.muslimco.com

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