"200 hold anti-war rally outside West Point gates"
Last night at West Point, President Barack Obama announced the new course for the US military presence in Afghanistan: escalation. At the same time, Peace Action New York State joined other peace organizations outside of the West Point gates to protest his decision.
From Mid Hudson News:
Cheryl [Wertz] from Peace Action New York State said the American people are mad because they need $30 million for health care, jobs and infrastructure. America cannot afford to send more troops into Afghanistan and that there are “better and more important things to do with our money and with our young men and women,” she said.
“We are out to say something tonight, to t
ell the President that this is not the change that we voted for, that this is more of the same,” she said. “We want to see the change that we voted for and we are expecting him to include us in this conversation.”
Ah… memories. I applied for discharge as a CO when I was at West Point in 2003. Wish I could have been there for this. Thanks!