Attend a Talk on Eliminating Nuclear Weapons on May 26
If you’re in California’s Bay Area, be sure to come out for an interesting discussion with Tad Daley on how to eliminate nuclear weapons on Wednesday, May 26th.
Tad Daley, J.D., Ph.D., is the author of the new book Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World. He is the Writing Fellow with the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the 1985 Nobel Peace Laureate organization. He has served as a speechwriter and policy advisor to members of Congress and has written for major newspapers nationwide. Come here him talk about his new book and what can be done to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons.
When: May 26 from 7-9 PM
Where: Mudraker’s Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley, CA, 94701
Sponsored by Progressive Democrats of the East Bay and Peace Action West.
Here’s more on Tad’s new book:
Apocalypse Never illuminates why we must abolish nuclear weapons, how we can, and what the world will look like after we do. The twenty-first century has ushered in a world at the atomic edge. The pop culture days of Dr. Strangelove have been replaced by the all-too-real single day of 24. Tad Daley has written a book for the general reader about this most crucial of contemporary challenges.
Apocalypse Never maintains that the abolition of nuclear weapons is both essential and achievable, and reveals in fine detail what we need to do—both governments and movements—to make it a reality. Daley insists that while global climate change poses the single greatest long-term peril to the human race, the nuclear challenge in its many incarnations—nuclear terror, nuclear accident, a nuclear crisis spinning out of control— poses the single most immediate peril. Daley launches a wholesale assault on the nuclear double standard—the notion that the United States permits itself thousands of these weapons but forbids others from aspiring to even one—insisting that it is militarily unnecessary, morally indefensible, and politically unsustainable. He conclusively repudiates the most frequent objection to nuclear disarmament, “the breakout scenario” —the possibility that after abolition someone might whip back the curtain, reveal a dozen nuclear warheads, and proceed to “rule the world.”