Updates: Gaza Flotilla, Windows and Mirrors on Afghanistan War, Workers Held Hostage to Military Spending, Peace Action on C-SPAN
Busy, busy time these days for Peace Action and our colleagues, here are a few updates of interest.
Our brave sisters and brothers on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla have faced threats to their lives and suspected sabotage of their boats (carrying only letters of support and solidarity to the people of Gaza) and are now being held up by the Greek government. Reuters has a recent report on Greece’s interception of the U.S. boat The Audacity of Hope, and stay up to date on developments at http://www.freegaza.org/
Our friends at the American Friends Service Committee have a terrific exhibit on the cost of the war to Afghan civilians called Windows and Mirrors, just opened in Chicago. Read more about it from a New York Times report.
Our colleagues at Labor Against War are a stalwart ally in working to end the wars and Move the Money from war and militarism to human needs, job creation and environmental protection. If you know of people who think military production jobs are a sure thing in this economy, tell them to check out this article by Jeff Klein, a former machinist at the GE plant in Lynn, Massachusetts.
Last but not least, Peace Action national board member Joshua Cooper and I will be on C-SPAN (we were taped earlier today, we don’t know yet when the program will air but when we find out we’ll let you know, or you can check on their website).
The event was the Tenth Annual University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law International Human & Peoples’ Rights Law Program – Human Rights on the Hill – in collaboration with the Hawaii Institute for Human Rights and the Four Freedoms Forum.
Joshua, a professor at the University of Hawai’i, puts together this terrific, wide ranging program every year here in Washington at the University of the District of Columbia Law School. I think I’ve spoken at 7 or 8 of the 10 events, always a lot of fun with interesting students and attendees asking good questions. Hopefully (if we looked and sounded good!) it will also be good publicity for Peace Action this year.
Peace and Independence (from militarism of course!),
Kevin Martin
Executive Director