Over a year ago, just as the US bombing campaign on the so-called Islamic State was beginning, Peace Action issued a call for measures we believed then, and still believe, are more effective than [...]
Peace activists and groups in Kansas City, Missouri, including our Peace Action affiliate PeaceWorks KC, have been waging an impressive local struggle around the oddball government-corporate [...]
Thanks for Stephen Miles of Win Without War for this legwork. To put this amount of money in context, Lockheed Martin’s sales last year were more than double the gross domestic product for [...]
Lockheed Martin lobbyists and their friends are working to squeeze millions of dollars from Montgomery County tax payers. They have written a bill, specifically for Lockheed Martin, that would [...]
http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/shift-us-spending-priorities-save-state-jobs-8p7ehg2-176860871.html By Mike Helbick Nov. 1, 2012 On Oct. 25, Oshkosh Corp. announced that 450 employees will [...]
Concerns over Hurricane Isaac have postponed the Republican convention by a day (and I hope the Gulf Coast gets lucky and receives nothing but some much needed rain for a parched landscape), but [...]
Published on Monday, August 6, 2012 by Common Dreams Ban the Bomb, Don’t Bank on It! by Jennifer Nordstrom and Kevin Martin August 6th and 9th mark the 67th anniversaries of the atomic bombings [...]
Here are four books on Peace Action related issues I’ve read recently, all written by colleagues (okay maybe I need to balance these now with some non-political books!). What are you reading this [...]
Here’s a terrific article written by Peace Action national board co-chair and Montgomery County, Maryland Peace Action coordinator Jean Athey on the unmitigated chutzpah of the [...]
Peace Action’s affiliate in the Kansas City area, PeaceWorks Kansas City, is one of the leaders of the struggle to prevent a new factory to build the non-nuclear components for U.S. nuclear [...]