Food not Wars

 In Afghanistan, Afghanistan war veterans, Economy, military budget, Move-the-Money, Peace, Peace Action, Twitter for Peace, Uncategorized

Pentagon (Photo credit: gregwest98)

Dear Friends

The House has voted to cut $36 billion from nutrition assistance programs, which would kick 2 million people off of food aid, cut benefits for 44 million more, and drop 280,000 low-income children from the free school lunch program.  All part of an effort to increase the over  50% of discretionary spending going into the Pentagon’s coffers.

This week, as early as Wednesday afternoon, your Member of Congress will be voting on amendments on ending the Afghanistan War and on a number of Pentagon weapons systems we don’t need.

Our movement for peace and justice must flood the Congress with calls to change federal spending priorities from wars and weapons to fund our communities and feed the hungry.

Please take a moment now and call your Representative at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote for amendments that end the Afghanistan War and that cut Pentagon spending.

While some Republicans want to slash programs like Food Stamps, Meals on Wheels for the elderly, child care and child abuse prevention, they have added $10 billion for nuclear weapons and propose language in the National Defense Authorization Act that might bring us closer to war with Iran.  Fortunately, our allies on Capitol Hill will be offering amendments this week to end the Afghanistan war more quickly, to prevent war with Iran and to cut the Pentagon budget.

Call your Representative now at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote for amendments make our communities a priority, not more war and nuclear weapons.

Your Representative will be voting on these important issues starting on Wednesday and finishing Friday afternoon.  Please forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to make this quick, important call.

Humbly for Peace,

Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action

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