Vote tomorrow: call to end the war in Afghanistan
Congress will vote on the Afghanistan war as soon as tomorrow. This will likely be our biggest chance to push for the war’s end this year. These votes come on the heels of President Obama’s announcement of a plan that could keep troops on the ground for the next twelve years. Congress needs to hear from you now.
Thank you to all of you who sent emails last week. Now, I’m asking you to join groups around the country in a national call-in day.
Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for your representative’s office. When you’re connected, use this sample message as a guide and add your own words:
My name is [your name] and I live at [your address]. I oppose keeping US troops in Afghanistan for another 12 years. I strongly encourage [your representative’s name] to vote for amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act to speed up military withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Then, click here to tell me how your call went.
Thank you for raising your voice.