We told you the opponents of the Iran deal weren’t going to take this huge diplomatic victory lying down. Unfortunately, we were right. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is planning to [...]
It seems we have ruffled some feathers. We knew after our big victory for diplomacy with Iran last week, the hawks would get riled up. It didn’t take long. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told a [...]
Members of Congress were up all night spending your tax dollars. The House Armed Services Committee worked into the wee hours of the morning on the budget for the Pentagon and nuclear weapons. [...]
Presidential candidates are terrified of looking weak on security — especially in the final weeks before an election. And anti-Iran hawks are doing everything they can to exploit this [...]
Congress will vote on the Afghanistan war as soon as tomorrow. This will likely be our biggest chance to push for the war’s end this year. These votes come on the heels of President Obama’s [...]