We Won't Be "Fiscal Stiffed!" No Deal! More information and resources for letters to the editor and op-eds

 In Congress, Debt Ceiling, Economy, jobs not wars, military budget, Obama, Peace Action, Pentagon Budget, Veterans

You’ve called the White House (202-456-1111) and Congress (866-426-2631) and told them “No Deal!” loud and proud, yes? No get your friends, family and colleagues to call too!


Okay, here is more information and resources, especially for writing letters to the editor or op-eds.


We at Peace Action have been meeting with labor and economic justice groups daily to share information and figure out how to respond to the current status of negotiations between the White House and Congress on sequestration and/or a “fiscal cliff deal.”.


Of course, the back and forth is hot and heavy, but one thing is clear. We need to exert maximum grassroots pressure to say, “No deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid or ends the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest. And move the money from the Pentagon to fund jobs and human needs.”


The  proposed $100 Billion is not nearly enough but it is a first step in the direction that is necessary to address the crisis in the economy (the real crisis of jobs and wages, not the phony fiscal crisis). While at the same time it is a missed opportunity to cut even more and change national spending priorities at a time of economic crisis.


And it is a mainstream idea! Check out the letter in the Green Bay Press Gazette: Cut Military Budget to Balance Budget.


The Duluth City Council passed a resolution on Monday night. They said military spending is hurting their economy.



Resource and background material for letters to the editor or op-eds:


Center for American Progress on how $100 Billion cut from the Pentagon is a “down payment” on what can and should be cut from the Pentagon budget.


Paul Krugman: The Deal Dilemma: how to evaluate the deal.


From Politica: Some Republicans OK with Defense Cuts.


From Alternet: 7 Shocking Ways the Military Wastes our Money

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