Peace Action Opposes Pentagon Spending Bill
The House is now taking up the bill that funds the Pentagon. Call your Rep and oppose Pentagon spending. 202-224-3121. Here is our position:
Dear Congressional Staff:
Peace Action urges a no vote on H.R. 2397 – Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014. We also have vote recommendations on key amendments listed below.
Paul Kawika Martin
Political Director
Peace Action (formerly SANE/Freeze)
Sponsor # Description Peace Action Position
14. Polis (CO) #92 Strikes $107,000,000 for 14 Ground-based Interceptors and reduces the deficit by the same amount. SUPPORT
15. Blumenauer (OR), Conyers (MI) #53 Reduces funding for the Ohio-class submarines by 10 percent to help prepare the Department of Defense for the sequestration. SUPPORT
20. Nadler (NY), Garamendi (CA), Polis (CO) #125 Cuts $70 million of unrequested funds for the East Coast Missile Defense site and dedicate that funding to deficit reduction instead. SUPPORT
23. Moran, James (VA), Smith, Adam (WA) #154 Strikes sections 8107, which prohibits funding to transfer or release any individual detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba into the United States, its territories, or possessions. Strikes section 8198, which prohibits funding to transfer any individual detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to a country of origin or other foreign country or entity unless the Secretary of Defense makes certain certifications. Strike Section 8109, which prohibits funding to modify any United States facility (other than the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) to house any individual detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SUPPORT
24. Terry (NE) #14 Increases Defense wide O/M by $1 billion, while reducing funding in the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund by $2.6 billion. The reduction would be in order to give DOD more flexibility to offset civilian furloughs. SUPPORT
25. Poe (TX) #162 Cuts funding to Pakistan by $600 million. SUPPORT
27. Walberg (MI), Cohen (TN), Esty (CT), Rigell (VA) #59 Reduces the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund by $79 million and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. SUPPORT
28. Cicilline (RI) #64 Reduces appropriations for the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund by $279,000,000 and apply the savings to the spending reduction account. SUPPORT
29. Cohen (TN) #66 Reduces the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund from $279 million to $140 million and transfers the savings to deficit reduction. SUPPORT
30. Coffman (CO), Garamendi (CA), Murphy, Patrick (FL), Cohen (TN) #43 Decreases the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund by $553.8M (contract to Rosoboronexport for 30 Mi-17 helicopters) and increases the Spending Reduction Account by the same amount. SUPPORT
31. Cicilline (RI) #63 Reduces appropriations for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund by $60 million and increase appropriations for the Defense Health Program by $14 million. Within this increase, $13 million in additional funds would be provided to
fund peer-reviewed traumatic brain injury and psychological health research and $1 million in additional funds would be provided to fund peerreviewed alcohol and substance abuse disorders research in order to ensure the Department meets the health needs of American military personnel. SUPPORT
33. Garamendi (CA) #57 Cuts $2,615,000,000 from the Afghan Security Forces Fund. SUPPORT
34. Poe (TX) #163 Eliminates the waiver to conditions on aid to Pakistan. SUPPORT
39. Wittman (VA) #35 Provides that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to propose, plan for, or execute an additional Base Realignment and Closure round. OPPOSE
40. Broun (GA) #90 Prohibits the Department of Defense from using any funds to propose, plan for, or execute an additional Base Realignment and Closure round involving military installations located within the United States. OPPOSE
44. DeLauro (CT), Moran, James (VA), Wolf (VA), McGovern (MA), Bridenstine (OK), Connolly (VA), Garamendi (CA), Cohen (TN) #65 Prohibits funds to train the Afghan Special Mission Wing (SMW) to operate or maintain Mi-17 helicopters manufactured by Russia’s state arms dealer that the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reports the SMW does not have the capacity to use. SUPPORT
45. Lee, Barbara (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Schrader (OR), Conyers (MI), Polis (CO) #132 Reduces funding by 1%, excluding the Defense Health Program and Military Personnel Accounts. SUPPORT
46. Quigley (IL) #41 Limits funds made available in the bill to operate and maintain no more than 300 land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. SUPPORT
47. Denham (CA) #88 Prohibits funds from being used to implement the Trans Regional Web Initiative. SUPPORT
48. Jones (NC) #19 Restricts the use of funds approved by this Act from being used to carry out activities under the United States – Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement, without being approved by Members of Congress. SUPPORT
49. Jones (NC) #20 Restricts the use of funds approved by this Act from being used to carry out activities under the United States – Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement. SUPPORT
52. Lamborn (CO), Lummis (WY), Daines (MT), Cramer, Kevin (ND) #109 Prohibits the use of funds to conduct an environmental impact study on ICBMs. OPPOSE
55. Mulvaney (SC), Van Hollen (MD), Coffman (CO), Murphy, Patrick (FL) #44 Reduces funds made available in the Overseas Contingency Operations budget by $3,546,000,000 to better correspond with the President’s request. Protects all amounts made available for the National Guard and Reserve Component Equipment modernization shortfalls for homeland defense and emergency response. SUPPORT
58. Rogers, Mike (AL) #10 Provides that none of the funds made available by this act may be used to carry out reductions to the nuclear forces of the United States to implement the New START Treaty. OPPOSE
59. Rohrabacher (CA) #168 Prohibits any funds in the bill from being provided to Pakistan. SUPPORT
61. Turner (OH), Rogers, Mike (AL) #27 Prevents funds from being used to reduce strategic delivery systems and ensures that the President is in compliance with the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. OPPOSE
62. Walorski (IN) #38 Prohibits any funds made available by this Act from being used to transfer or release detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Yemen. OPPOSE
65. Bonamici (OR) #98 Prevents the retirement, divestment, transfer, or preparation to do so of C-23 aircraft used by the National Guard and to designate $34 million for the sustainment and operation of the C-23 aircraft in a viable state. OPPOSE
69. Nadler (NY) #123 Prevents the further detention of Guantanamo Bay detainees that have already been cleared for release. SUPPORT
70. Nadler (NY) #124 Prevents further construction or expansion of existing facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SUPPORT
72. Brooks (AL) #5 Prohibits funds from this Act to be used to implement or execute any agreement with the Russian Federation concerning the missile defenses of the United States. OPPOSE
73. Schiff (CA) #178 Prohibits funding the use of force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF, PL 107-40) effective on December 31, 20
14 – concurrent with the end of our combat role in Afghanistan. SUPPORT
84. Esty (CT) #69 Reduces funding for the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund for overseas contingency operations by $25,000,000 and redirect those funds to the Spending Reduction Account. SUPPORT
86. Griffin (AR) #6 Provides that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to cancel or modify the avionics modernization program of record for C–130 aircraft. OPPOSE
89. Nunes (CA), Costa (CA), Langevin (RI), Keating (MA), Cicilline (RI), Valadao (CA) #110 Prohibits the Secretary of the Air Force from using FY14 funds for the reduction in force structure at Lajes Field, Azores Portugal. OPPOSE
93. Grayson (FL) #73 Prevents contracts from being awarded to contractors who have been convicted within the last three years for crimes against the federal government such as fraud, theft, bribery, making false statements, and tax evasion. SUPPORT
94. Grayson (FL) #84 Provides that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to engage in an act covered by or described in 18 USC 2340A (torture or conspiracy to commit torture). SUPPORT
96. LoBiondo (NJ) #3 Prohibits funding for Department of Defense aviation demonstration teams to perform outside of the United States. SUPPORT
97. Radel (FL) #102 Prohibits the use of any funds with respect to military action in Syria to the extent such action would be inconsistent with the War Powers Resolution. SUPPORT
98. Massie (KY), Amash (MI), Yoho (FL) #105 Provides that no funds made available by this Act may be used to fund military or paramilitary operations in Egypt. SUPPORT
99. Nugent (FL) #147 Ensures none of the funds may be used by the NSA to target a US person or acquire and store the content of a US person’s communications, including phone calls and e-mails. SUPPORT
100. Amash (MI), Conyers (MI), Mulvaney (SC), Polis (CO), Massie (KY) #101 Ends authority for the blanket collection of records under the Patriot Act. Bars the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records, including telephone call records, that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215. SUPPORT
Thank you for the amazing wonderful loving work you do … why can’t we populate the Congress and Senate with people who think like YOU ????
Yes Suzanne-thanks to this nut you and I may die next year if the bill does not pass. Maybe no big loss to you if you die but I have big plans.
You would think that in the year 2013 people could communicate without having to resort to name calling and derogatory remarks. This type of speech, which displays a lack of respect for others, is what leads to violence in this world. Thoughtful, reasoned discourse, with respect given to all concerned, leads to understanding, brotherhood and peace in this world. Those who practice hit and run seldom show any depth of analysis to back up schoolyard bully behavior. What a sad commentary.
Thank you,
No More War of United States in the World,
No More Genocide of United States in the World.
The World Need of Peace.
Alexis Maestre-Saborit.
United States is Country of Genocide.
United States no is GOD.
No More Abuse of United States in the World.
Alexis Maestre-Saborit
The Pentagon is ONLY Genocide.
United States NO is GOD,
Alexis Maestre-Saborit.
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