As you know, elections are just under a month away with several opportunities to elect pro-peace candidates. You can help now.Take a look at these pro-peace candidates running for the House of [...]
Washington, DC — September 29, 2016 — Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, endorsed Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH-1) for the House of Representatives in Maine’s 1st district. [...]
Washington, DC — September 20, 2016 — Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, endorsed Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1) for the House of Representatives in Maine’s 1st district. “I am [...]
Dear Voter, A few days after All Hallows’ Evening, the midterm elections will occur. Tuesday, November 4th. Your actions can make the results less scary. Please take two actions now: Vote! [...]
By Paul Kawika Martin As you know, midterm elections are only 5 weeks away. And one of the unique aspects about Peace Action is that we use all the tools in the social tool box to create a better [...]
Join the National Call-in Day Two new bills give Congress an opportunity to step up and make cuts to nuclear weapons. The president’s budget request for 2015 shows that his priorities are [...]
Last week, because of your continued pressure, 105 Representatives signed a letter to President Obama to support his administration’s efforts to work with the world community and seek a [...]
Thousands of you contacted your representative urging him or her to sign a letter expressing support for diplomacy with Iran and opposing counterproductive legislation that could jeopardize talks [...]
It’s time for Congress to choose sides. We’re at a crossroads, and the decisions our government makes could have costs in dollars and even lives. We’ve blocked a bad bill for now that [...]
After a ridiculous government shutdown, you don’t need me to tell you how important it is to hold Congress accountable. But I can point you toward a new tool to make it easier. While the shutdown [...]