Love Can Conquer Suffering: Seeking Joy, Wisdom and Effectiveness from Gandhi and King
Peace Action Executive Director gave this talk yesterday at an event at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Binghamton, NY. The event kicked off a 3 1/2 year series on Gandhi’s legacy, which will culminate in 2019, his 150th birthday. Broome County Peace Action is to be commended for a terrific event, and for the foresight in planing this series! Thank you to Wilton Vought for the excellent video and audio recording, this is also on his blog Other Voices, Other Choices.
(Here is a live performance of the song, Peace on Earth, by the awesome New Jersey jamgrass titans Railroad Earth, from whence I borrowed the “love can conquer suffering” phrase for the title of my remarks. Kevin)
[…] From the Peace Blog: […]