Bernie needs your support for his pro-peace agenda

 In elections

As the presidential campaign continues to astound, disgust and inspire, in varying degrees with different candidates, debates and events, Peace Action has moved into its next phase of support for the Bernie Sanders campaign in the Democratic presidential primaries.

You may recall the national Peace Action board of directors endorsed Sanders in the Democratic primary (again, this endorsement is just for the Democratic presidential primaries, not for any other parties nor for the general election at this time) via our Political Action Committee, Peace Action PAC.

You can get involved in supporting the Sanders campaign, as Bernie continues to gain support for a progressive, pro-peace and justice agenda, regardless of where you live or whether your state has held a primary or not. To lend your support, please click here for volunteer opportunities.

There’s a section on the volunteer form where you will be asked to say a little about yourself.  Be sure to tell the Sanders campaign Peace Action referred you so they will know how important peace issues are to the their campaign.

Also, you can make a secure donation to the campaign via our dedicated fundraising page. Your contribution will be split evenly between the Sanders campaign and Peace Action PAC, unless you choose a different allocation, which you are free to do.

Please do what you can to support the Sanders campaign, which is empowering so many people to take back our government from the corporations and the 1%.

Peacefully yours,

Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action

P.S. – Click here for the top 5 reasons Peace Action PAC has endorsed Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination as President.

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  • Lee Loe

    What is Bernie’s “Pro-peace Agenda”? Lee Loe, TX Grandmother for Peace & Bernie

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