Democrats too liberal? I don't think so.
Democrats are polling dismally right now, and they’re learning all the wrong lessons. Even after their military surge, even after delaying the closure of the Guantánamo Bay prison, even while considering the use of military commissions to try terror suspects, some Democrats are arguing that they are being too liberal. Incredible.
Thank goodness, there are a handful of true progressives running for Congress with their heads on straight. They realize we’d see a resurgence of the progressive excitement that took Congress and the White House in 2008 if they actually started delivering real change.
Take Marcy Winograd, who is putting up a strong peace challenge in the Democratic primary to a previously untouchable Rep. Jane Harman (CA-36) in Los Angeles. Winograd is making an issue of Rep. Harman’s record of staunch support for the war in Iraq, and forcing her to fight for her party’s nomination. For too long politicians like Jane Harman have coasted through elections, and have not had to answer for their reckless support for war. This year is a chance to change that, and with your help, we can make an issue out of war in the 2010 elections. Please click here to give what you can today.
We know how transformative this kind of work can be. In 2008, we helped Al Franken deliver a reality check to out of touch Republican Norm Coleman in the Senate. With your help, we replaced Coleman’s vote for aggression (for instance, he wanted to officially label a branch of Iran’s government a terrorist organization) with Franken’s vote for peace and justice. In his first year, Sen. Franken wrote and helped pass a bill that paves the way to holding military contractors like Blackwater accountable when their employees commit rape. Can you help us get to work today?
If we are to stop paying billions we don’t have for wars that don’t work, and shape a smarter American approach to solving global problems, then we have to elect representatives that will go the distance for peace.
That’s reality, and thank you for helping us make sure politicians know it.