One week left. Bill Hedrick needs your help.
This is it. In one week, voters in California’s 44th district will decide between corrupt Republican incumbent Ken Calvert and progressive champion Bill Hedrick.
This race is critical for moving our progressive agenda. So Peace Action West and Progressive Democrats of America are teaming up to pull out all the stops for Bill.
Will you pledge a few hours of your time between Saturday and Election Day to call voters in the 44th district? Click here to RSVP. If you can’t volunteer, click here to help us fund this get out the vote effort.
A new poll shows that Bill has pulled within 5 points of Calvert, who was named one of the most corrupt members of Congress. Bill’s momentum didn’t come from a big party machine. It didn’t come from huge donations from corporations. It came from people like you, and it’s you who can help put him over the edge of November 2nd. Click here to volunteer to call voters on Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.
The grassroots will make or break this campaign. Calvert is a well-funded incumbent who is abusing his position in Congress to get reelected. Rather than taking on Bill’s positions on issues, he’s launching ludicrous attacks linking Bill to Nancy Pelosi. Bill’s message of ending expensive and misguided wars and investing in health care, jobs and education can win over voters. But only if you help us reach them. Click here to pledge a few hours before Election Day to help a true progressive.
As organizations that have been challenging the status quo for years, we know a progressive leader when we see one. Bill is the real deal, and we want to work with him to move our agenda in Congress. Our ability to win depends on you.
Thank you for showing the real power of the grassroots.
Paid for by the Peace Action West Voter Fund.