Send a progressive hero to Congress

 In Election 2012

Norman Solomon wanted us to share this message with Peace Action West supporters. Raul Grijalva is a progressive champion and another of our endorsed candidates for 2012.

“Send a Progressive Hero to Congress”


Dear Friend,
Norman Solomon’s reputation precedes him. On Capitol Hill, we’ve heard him speak. We’ve read his writings. We’ve screened his powerful movie, “War Made Easy.”

Norman is a nationally-respected educator and author on such issues as ending war, defending Social Security and Medicare, taxing Wall Street speculators, fighting for single-payer healthcare for all, and defending women’s rights, gay rights, and immigrants’ rights.

We need Norman in Congress, representing the progressive California North Coast. And we need Norman’s energy in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which I co-chair.

I’m proud to call Norman a friend – one who has spent a lifetime fighting for the public interest, for the environment, for the 99%. With the primary election nearing, we need to fight for him to help him win this open seat.

Please make a donation now.
Even if you can’t donate in these tough times, you can still contribute by calling voters in the district. And you can forward this email far and wide to others who might help.

Norman Solomon is a historical – not a rhetorical – progressive. Capitol Hill is long on nice-sounding rhetoric. What we need is principled action, the kind Norman has delivered all his life.

We expect Norman to hit the ground running in Congress – bolstering progressives who fight for social and environmental causes that don’t have big bucks or corporate lobbyists on their side.

Let’s help him win. Please check out Norman’s websiteand his impressive biography.

For peace and justice,

Raul Grijalva
Co-chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus

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