Victory! 104 representatives sign pro-Iran diplomacy letter

 In Iran

Thousands of you contacted your representative urging him or her to sign a letter expressing support for diplomacy with Iran and opposing counterproductive legislation that could jeopardize talks and make war more likely.

The letter came out today with a whopping 104 signatures. This sends another strong message after the Menendez/Kirk sanctions bill stalled out in the Senate, and will help blunt the momentum of any new bad legislation. Thank you for taking action!

See if your representative signed in the list below:

Dear Mr. President,

As Members of Congress—and as Americans—we are united in our unequivocal commitment to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. The proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East would threaten the security of the United States and our allies in the region, particularly Israel.

The ongoing implementation of the Joint Plan of Action agreed to by Iran and the “P5+1” nations last November increases the possibility of a comprehensive and verifiable international agreement. We understand that there is no assurance of success and that, if talks break down or Iran reneges on pledges it made in the interim agreement, Congress may be compelled to act as it has in the past by enacting additional sanctions legislation. At present, however, we believe that Congress must give diplomacy a chance. A bill or resolution that risks fracturing our international coalition or, worse yet, undermining our credibility in future negotiations and jeopardizing hard-won progress toward a verifiable final agreement, must be avoided.

We remain wary of the Iranian regime. But we believe that robust diplomacy remains our best possible strategic option, and we commend you and your designees for the developments in Geneva. Should negotiations fail or falter, nothing precludes a change in strategy. But we must not imperil the possibility of a diplomatic success before we even have a chance to pursue it.



1         Bass

2         Beatty

3         Bishop, Sanford

4         Blumenauer

5         Bordallo

6         Brown

7         Butterfield, GK

8         Capps

9         Capuano

10       Carson

11       Cartwright

12       Christensen

13       Clarke, Yvette

14       Clay

15       Cleaver

16       Clyburn

17       Cohen

18       Connolly

19       Conyers

20       Cooper

21       Courtney

22       Cummings

23       Davis, Danny

24       DeFazio

25       DeGette

26       DeLauro

27       Dingell

28       Doggett

29       Duncan Jr (R)

30       Edwards

31       Ellison

32       Enyart

33       Eshoo

34       Farr

35       Foster

36       Fudge, Marcia

37       Garamendi

38       Grijalva

39       Gutierrez

40       Hanna (R)

41       Holt

42       Huffman

43       Jackson-Lee

44       Johnson, EB

45       Johnson, Hank

46       Jones, Walter (R)

47       Kaptur

48       Keating

49       Kelly, Robin

50       Kildee

51       Kuster

52       Larson

53       Lee, Barbara

54       Lewis

55       Loebsack

56       Lofgren

57       Lynch

58       Matheson

59       Massie (R)

60       McCarthy

61       McCollum

62       McDermott

63       McGovern

64       McNerney, Jerry

65       Meeks

66       Miller, George

67       Moore

68       Moran, Jim

69       Negrete McLeod

70       Nolan

71       Norton

72       O’Rourke

73       Pastor

74       Payne

75       Pierluisi

76       Pingree

77       Pocan

78       Polis

79       Price, David

80       Rahall

81       Rangel

82       Roybal-Allard

83       Ruppersberger

84       Rush

85       Ryan, Tim

86       Sablan

87       Schakowsky

88       Scott, Bobby

89       Shea-Porter

90       Slaughter

91       Speier

92       Takano

93       Thompson, Bennie

94       Thompson, Mike

95       Tierney

96       Tonko

97       Tsongas

98       Van Hollen

99       Velazquez

100     Visclosky

101     Walz

102     Waters

103     Welch

104     Yarmuth



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