Imagine turning on the news and hearing a serious discussion about what your elected representatives are doing about critical issues like diplomacy with Iran and the war in Afghanistan. While [...]
The energy last night was contagious as cheers echoed throughout the bar where Peace Action West staff gathered to watch the election results come in. Last night was a rejection of the dangerous [...]
Retaliation against US personnel overseas. $8-a-gallon gas. A spreading Middle East War. An Iranian regime driven to pursue a nuclear weapon. Experts recognize all of these as likely consequences [...]
Democrats are typically known for running scared from foreign policy, especially in a hotly contested election. In 2012, however, it was Mitt Romney who held back on global affairs in his [...]
Last week, Republican hawks blocked a vote on legislation to end the war because they knew it had a real chance of passing. It’s outrageous, and another sign that we need to build up the [...]
[youtube=] Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) joined the fringiest of the fringe this week with the comments he chose as a rousing [...]
When a US soldier killed 16 Afghan civilians, many of them children, we were again shocked by the ever-escalating brutality of this war. This was another in a long line of signs that we need to [...]
The war drums are beating again. Republican presidential candidates are tripping over each other to be the toughest on Iran. A group of senators has introduced a new bill that could put the US [...]
Last year, we were only six votes away from passing an amendment in the House calling for a quicker end to the war in Afghanistan. Just imagine what we could do with a pro-peace majority. Help us [...]
Tomorrow, voters in Oregon’s first district will vote in a special election to decide who will fight for their priorities in Washington, DC. In 2012 we will see major fights in Congress to roll [...]