Meet Marcy Winograd this weekend
Every so often we find candidates who are true, unfailing champions for peace and justice. Candidates whose campaigns have an impact beyond their districts by sending a message to members of Congress everywhere that they need to step up or face the consequences. Marcy Winograd is one of those candidates. If you are in northern California, I hope you can join me at one of these fundraisers to hear straight from Marcy Winograd why you should support her effort to oust hawkish Democrat Jane Harman in California’s 36th district.
An Evening with Marcy Winograd
Norman Solomon, writer and media critic
Barbara Lubin, Middle East Children’s Alliance
Rebecca Griffin, Peace Action West
Friday, April 9
Sierra Two Center
Garden Room and Courtyard
2791 24th St., Sacramento
$40 suggested donation
Saturday, April 10
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar St. (at Bonita), Berkeley
$20 suggested donation
No one turned away for lack of funds
The California primary is only two months away. Winograd took 38% of the vote in 2006 after launching a last minute campaign against Harman, a supporter of the Iraq war and Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. She is counting on you and other Peace Action West supporters in this grassroots, pro-peace campaign. If you can’t make it to the event but would like to support Marcy Winograd’s campaign, click here to donate.
I look forward to seeing you this weekend and introducing you to an inspiring candidate who will fight for us in Congress.